Both girls got new haircuts a couple of weeks ago and they are so proud. Regan cut at least 5 inches and Riley only got "a trim" which she insisted upon.
Since we are in Farmington to get our haircut we cannot pass up a chance to see Parker! He is so cute!
Last weekend the girls and I camped out in the back yard. (I did not force Jason to actually sleep outside since he had to get up and go to work.) They loved it and slept better than they do inside on a bed. However, I woke up at every noise, dog bark, tree rustle, and sort of gave up on a good night's sleep when the mattress deflated.
These pictures are all from this last weekend. We went to Branson on Friday night and spent that day and the next at Silver Dollar City. I tried really hard to get some cute pictures of the girls, but Riley is making extremely strange faces in every single picture. I gave up.
Yesterday was my birthday and we spent the day with my family. Thanks to all for my great birthday gifts!
Today we finally carved our jack-o-lanterns. This is one the girls favorite fall things we do. They love to take out the seeds and create their face. We then made pumkin soup and roasted our pumpkin seeds.
I am officially all caught up on my blog! Whew!
I am still having blog issues. I cannot see my pictures when I post them. They are all just script. I also cannot change my font. Does anyone know what I did?