Regan Paige, I can't believe you are five today! I am so proud of you. You have such a sweet spirit and an amazing imagination. You are a great big sister to Riley and helper for Mommy. Although you are quiet, you are such a deep thinker. You keep me on my toes with some tough questions. What a smart, amazing little girl you are!

Riley Kate, you are such a big girl! I can't believe you are five! You are the funniest and spunkiest little girl Mommy knows. You keep all of us laughing with your "silly shows", silly faces and just all around goofiness. You amaze me with your ability to learn any and everything! You make me so proud with your determination to learn more and more every day! You are so special to me!

I am so thankful I have two of the best girls around! They are best friends and just the sweetest girls! I am going to really miss them when school starts! (1 month, 5 days)They are really growing and becoming so independent. I am sad and proud all at the same time.
The pictures above are from Disney World. I uploaded them today and have 665 from 8 days! Whew! I was a little overwhelmed so I will have to organize them better before I get a Disney post on here. I should say IF I get a Disney post on here! Ha!
And, since the last blog was about Regan losing 2 teeth, I should let you know Riley lost her 6th (!) tooth in the Magic Kingdom. She lost her 5th in Vegas. We will have to plan a big trip soon since she is about to lose another one. I am thinking...Grand Cayman? That's next on the list. Jason?